Thersipo | Athlete Stories

Billy Marathon Running Story
I had caught the marathon bug!! I ran a few more marathons including a small marathon in a town right in the heart of the countryside.
Billy Marathon Running Story
I had caught the marathon bug!! I ran a few more marathons including a small marathon in a town right in the heart of the countryside.

Keren Marathon Running Story
At the age of 40, I shifted my focus towards maintaining my overall health proactively, which led me to switch from strength training to endurance training.
Keren Marathon Running Story
At the age of 40, I shifted my focus towards maintaining my overall health proactively, which led me to switch from strength training to endurance training.

Beatriz Marathon Running Story
“the marathon is not the goal, it is the path that leads you to it.” In each strong step I saw how each training had been worth it.
Beatriz Marathon Running Story
“the marathon is not the goal, it is the path that leads you to it.” In each strong step I saw how each training had been worth it.

Megan Marathon Running Story
I found healing in reclaiming and rekindling a love for this sport, no matter if I was different.
Megan Marathon Running Story
I found healing in reclaiming and rekindling a love for this sport, no matter if I was different.

Jonas Marathon Running Story
I got into marathon running through my older siblings. The atmosphere was fantastic!! Above all because of the disciplined runners, but also because of the atmosphere along the course with...
Jonas Marathon Running Story
I got into marathon running through my older siblings. The atmosphere was fantastic!! Above all because of the disciplined runners, but also because of the atmosphere along the course with...

Aynit Marathon Running Story
Running helps with mental health - you can pound out your frustrations on the pavement.
Aynit Marathon Running Story
Running helps with mental health - you can pound out your frustrations on the pavement.